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The internal physiological effects derived from kinetic forces which include the combination of deep tissue manipulation, vibration, sequential force, and thermal energy all in one treatment which leads to...

Pain Reduction

Lymphatic Stimulation

Improve Circulation

Deep Compression
Hydro Massage

Compression and manipulation of soft tissue can help improve circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system

Sequential Force
Hydro Massage

Rhythmic firm and sweeping motions help provide enhanced movement of interstitial fluid, improve lymphatic movement and improve circulation 

Hydro Massage

Rapid vibration can energize soft tissue and help relieve pain

Thermal Energy
Hydro Massage

Deep penetrating heat therapy has been proven to reduce pain and improve circulation

SolaJet Helps NORMALIZE muscles

Muscle tension, knots, or trigger points can occur when our muscle tissues bind together from connective tissue build up. This can prevent blood flow and movement to the area and can be caused by several factors.

Your body’s natural reaction to injury or overuse could be one reason for development of trigger points. Injury or micro trauma to a body part while exercising causes the muscle to send a message to the area to “freeze” in order to prevent further damage.  This can cause pain, swelling, and general restriction of movement.

Another reason these tension points can occur is due to lack of movement. The relationship between muscles and movement is significant, in fact lack of movement can gradually cause our muscles to dwindle in strength and vitality and can build up a layer of “facia” or connective tissue made of collagen that can restrict movement and overall muscle performance.

"If movement or intervention is not performed in time, the collagen will harden and become sticky. Imagine two layers of fascia as a sliding drawer. Alone, the drawer and frame glide over one another freely as would layers of healthy connective tissue. Now imagine coating the parts with a layer of honey. This demonstrates the loss of glide that happens when collagen builds up between layers of connective tissue."

Over time, stress or injury, we can build up more facia however is we develop more and more over time and this can restrict our movement and muscle function. SolaJet is designed to create a trigger event to help loosen and free up muscle fibers to allow stretch and range of movement allowing the body or adjunctive therapies to work more efficiently. Therefore, SolaJet treatments can become a beneficial part of your regular self-care and maintenance to not only loosen muscles but to provide effective circulation through it’s deep tissue penetration, vibration, heat and sequential compression.

The SolaJet® delivers these dynamic therapies in one convenient treatment!

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